Communities and Justice


A Court Open Day (COD) is an event that the Multicultural Policy and Engagement (MPE) team hosts in collaboration with local courts for multicultural communities (particularly those from refugee and refugee-like backgrounds) across NSW. CODs are usually conducted during the Annual Magistrate conferences in July and August or the Regional conference in March. COD’s can be conducted at other times based on courtroom availability


To provide attendees with an opportunity to be in a courtroom in a relaxed manner whereby they can ask and learn about the various court functions.

To address barriers and stereotypes about the NSW judicial system. To provide multicultural communities with confidence and assurance when in contact with NSW courts.

The Community Liaison officer (CLO)

The CLOs have oversight of planning and coordinating the event. They will liaise with community members to determine topics and invite the appropriate presenters and stallholders.

The Registrar

The Registrar provides an overview of the court functions and operations. The Registrar may participate in role plays to demonstrate a court hearing outcome.

Court Staff

On the day court staff may be called upon to assist with the court tour, role plays and mock trials.

Presenters and Stallholders

Presenters can be from DCJ or external agencies. Presenters provide information sessions in plain English and these sessions can be interpreted if required.

Stallholders promote their services and supplement the information provided during the sessions. It is a requirement they provide information in community languages.


Court Open days may include one or more of following activities:

  • Information sessions

Topics such as fines and WDO (Work & Development Order) Scheme, discrimination, DFV (Domestic and Family Violence) and drink driving/traffic offenses are covered in the information sessions. The sessions run for 15-30 minutes followed by Q&A.

  • Mock trials

These imitate court hearings to allow participants to experience court proceedings. Attendees are the main participants who rehearse the roles prior to the day. This ensures that participants are comfortable and confident during the mock trail. It also ensures that topics are relevant and pitched to the right level.

  • Court tours

This is a guided tour of the court with descriptions of the various roles within the court such as the prosecutors, judges, and witnesses. The tour also provides explanations about the court procedure and etiquette.

  • Canine Court Companion Program

This program uses therapy dogs to interact with participants to alleviate stress when attending court. COD participants have the opportunity interact with the canine. This is limited to local courts that facilitate the canine court companion program.

Upcoming Court Open Day

To find out about upcoming Court Open Day please check our events calendar.


For more information, or to organise Court Open Day, send us an email to

You can also download these fact sheet in a PDF format by clicking the following link: Court - Fact Sheet (PDF, 57.5 KB)

Last updated:

07 May 2024