Communities and Justice

Returning unspent DCJ funds

To return unspent funds, your DCJ contract manager will discuss with you the amount, the method and the date the funds are to be recovered. This will be confirmed in writing.

DCJ’s preferred method of recovery is to withhold funds from your next quarterly payment or over several quarterly payments, depending on the amount.

If you have no current contract with DCJ, you can return the funds by electronic funds transfer or cheque. If this applies to you, we’ll give you the necessary details and provide a Recipient Created Adjustment Note (RCAN) which can be used by you as a tax invoice to justify payment to DCJ.

If there are exceptional circumstances affecting your ability to return unspent funds, speak to your DCJ contract manager about the method and timing of recovery.

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For any further information, contact your DCJ contract manager.

Last updated:

09 May 2024